Monday, July 19, 2010

Burns...and not due to a lack of SPF

Boy do I have a lot to update about... Ready,Set, Go:

So the day after my last post was going well until the mom and I were preparing lunch in the kitchen (which rarely happens because she usually prepares it while I'm feeding the baby and making sure he stays out of trouble) and she dropped an entire pot of boiling water all over. Let me start by explaining that the kitchen is very small. But not small enough to "run into each other" (that's what she said happened when she was later retelling the story... as far as I was concerned, I was perfectly stationary the whole time...) So luckily only my elbow and forearm got drenched and by the time it got to my feet it had already cooled enough so that there wasn't any damage. My arm though has a rather large burn that is doing much better now that it's been a few days. But geeeez. Pretty traumatizing experience. Oh, here's the kicker... At the time it happened I was holding a very large knife. Could have been a lot worse!

The rest of the week went by ok and on Friday morning we left around 10am to go to Segovia. Picture this: a car that seats 5. Perfect for 5 people. Now picture this: a car that seats 5 but two of the seats have HUGE car seats. Perfect for 4 people and maybe a rabbit sized human being in the middle seat. Oh wait. That was my seat. Consider that and the fact that the same movie (I do believe it's the Spanish version of Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron HAH) has to be on for the baby not to cry every single time we're in the car and you've got yourself a grand ole car ride. Luckily it was only about an hour drive.

Segovia is a really cute small town with the huge ancient Roman aqueduct running through it. We walked all around the town and even got to visit a castle (link to facebook album of photos to come later!) We finished up pretty quickly (that's what happens when you're with a fussy baby and a complaining 7 year old :( and we decided to drive over to Avila which was only about another 45 minutes. Avila is another small town surrounded by the original walls of the town. It was also really pretty and we ate lunch at a place with traditional food. Visiting these small towns made me really excited for my study abroad in Siena, Italy! I really do prefer that type of setting to a large city (coughMadridcough).

Saturday I was kind of sad and homesick but after lunch I had to get ready to go into the city so I started feeling a little better. I took the train and metro to get to where my friend from high school Christina was staying and we went out to dinner around there. Later we got ready to go out and headed into Sol (the heart of Madrid center). We went to a bar and got some drinks (this beer that has half beer and half lemon in it is my favorite...since i don't like beer barely at all) and then met up with some of her friends from her homestay and took a bus around 2am to a discoteca that we didn't really know how to get to.

After a long bus ride and some walking we got to Kapital around 3:15am. Turned out to be perfect timing because the madness was just beginning. Kapital is a 7 story club. SEVEN. Talk about a good time! Floors 1, 3, and 5 have big dance floors that each play a different type of music. 1 was techno/electronica, 3 was hip/hop and r&b, and 5 was spanish pop type music. The rest of the floors were more chill and were kind of like lounge areas where you could sit and talk and not be mobbed with crazy dancing people (aka lameee). We spent the most time on the first floor because that's where the biggest dance floor was and the most people. Every once in a while they would BLAST this weird vapor/steam/white business really hard into the crowd and you couldn't see anything at all so at first it was almost scary but after a while it felt good because it was cold. They would also do it really randomly like trying to go with the music at some parts so it was fun trying to guess when it would happen. I'm pretty sure I didn't stop dancing once... not even on the staircases changing floors. There was also a good mix of people both foreigners and Spaniards. Basically, an AMAZING time!
Christina and I before going out

So after dancing the night away, the club closed at 6am and that's when the Metro opens so everyone floods out of the club and goes to the Metro. It's a really funny experience going home when the sun is rising. We reached Christina's place around 7am and got ready for bed... when it was light out... awesome!

Since then I've been trying to catch up on sleep and stay out of the unbearable heat. Today it was 99 degrees all day. I got a little dehydrated and felt pretty sickly and weak all day.

I'm pumped because I found a small gym type place that I can pay a fee and go to and its only about a 7 minute walk from the house. The spud look just isn't doing it for me.

I've been reading a lot since I've been here which is nice because I haven't read a book for pleasure in a long time (college's fault.). I read Chocolat and then watched the movie again which I LOVEEEE and now I'm almost done with The Catcher in the Rye which for some reason I was never forced to read previously (high school's fault.) and I like it a lot.

Below is a video I took at home when Spain won the World Cup. Probably 15 minutes after the actual win hahaha. After that is a link to my favorite song right now that they play all around Spain and at the club!

More to come another day :)

Miss everyone a lot!




  1. ahhh Gabi you look so pretty! I'm so glad you got to go to Kapitol, Avila, and Segovia!! I can't believe you've been there for a month already...crazy. As for the kiddos, keep your chin up. When you leave to go to Italy, they'll be asking for you to come back :) Loves!

  2. ue suerte que fuiste a Segovia y Avila!
    Y Kapital ... que divertido, 7 pisos y mucha musica! Me imagino que fue un lindo descanso de la semana, bueno es un decir !!
    A aprovechar el club que encontraste!
    Un beso, mami

  3. ok so I've been officially stalking you now for the last hour updating myself on your life- ahhhh I'm so jealous! this sounds so amazing, even if you are a spud & children get annoying. I can't wait to keep reading!!! I miss you! Can we skype sometime please?!!!!!! TU ME MANQUES JUMELLE! Aussi, Je suis entrain d'étudier l'espanol, alors je veux pratiquer avec toi! :) Love you!
